In President Clinton's State of the Union address, he proclaimed "The era of big government has ended."
Not so, says Mr. Albert Gore. In his acceptance speech at the Democrat National Convention, Mr. Gore laid out a trillion dollar program that will, if enacted, add to the goverment debt in a 'cradle-to-the-grave' contract. It provides, among many other expensive programs, funding for healthcare for all children in the United States. No longer will parents be responsible to provide healthcare, Mr. Gores government will pay the bill.
Meanwhile, Mr. Gore complains that Mr. Bush will 'squander' the surplus. Here at 'Common Sense' we wonder if Mr. Gore's liberal calculator has been malfunctioning again. True, Mr. Bush does intend to return a portion of the surplus to the American people. His philosophy is that the surplus is 'the peoples money.' Mr. Gore, as all good liberals do, considers all tax money as his money to 'invest' as his party sees fit.
Get ready to hear 'invest' a great deal in the coming months, and be advised each time you hear the word 'invest' to grab a secure hold on your wallet. 'Invest' is yet another liberal trick word for 'spend your tax dollars'. But, afterall, 'invest' sounds so much more reasonable, doesn't it? It does seem to cloak the fact that they are digging more and more of your hard earned money and spending it on their programs.
It's becoming more and more expensive to be an American these days. The current tax rate is higher, as a percentage of GNP, than during World War II. Despite the fact that Americans are the most charitable people on earth, they are no longer trusted to be generous and charitable, and good neighbors, by Mr. Gore's liberal think-tank.
In this crucial election year, we will decide whether this country will continue down the road to Socialism, or the road toward the Republic that our Founding Fathers gave to us as a great gift. You have the opportunity to make your choice in November.